Recently, I visited a Mobile phone screen replacement shop location to talk with their experts about the top tips for protecting your smartphone. While the number one repair is still shattered screens, the number one tip to protect your phone might surprise you. It has nothing to do with screen protectors or cases.
Their number one way to protect your phone: back it up.
While physical hardware on phones can be replaced or repaired, it’s the data inside that could be lost if a phone suffers water or other critical damage. There’s no getting that back.
So be sure to check your iCloud or Google settings to backup your phone.
If you need a fast and easy way to back things up, check out the Google One app for Android and iOS. If you want to backup texts on an Android phone, I like an app called SMS Backup & Restore. Bottom line – be sure those precious pictures are backed up in iCloud, Google Photos, OneDrive or Amazon Photos.
When it comes to voicemails, if there is a sentimental or important one you’re keeping, be sure to download it or use a friend’s phone to record it off speakerphone.
One other thing I was surprised to learn: uBreakiFix, which has locations across the country, will diagnose your phone issue for free, no strings attached. So whether your screen is broken or you think you have a damaged charging port or whatever, it is totally worth it to take it in and at least see what they say. It won’t cost you a thing for a free diagnostic.
Listen to the Rich on Tech Podcast for more tech news and answers to your pressing tech questions.
Have you been meaning to fix that cracked phone screen but the idea of a mall packed with people makes you shudder? Well you’re in luck thanks to a traveling phone repair company.
The service is offered by Mobile Klinik a device repair retailer with more than 90 locations coast-to-coast. The Klinik will fix any number of smartphone issues like water damage, microphone and speaker repairs and yes even cracked screens all from inside a traveling service van. Through the offering, Mobile Klinik hopes to enhance Canadians’ sustainable living practices by prolonging the life cycle of their devices.
According to a recent press release this contactless repair service on wheels has come to more than 100 Canadian communities and now it’s in New Westminster and Burnaby. The contactless service usually comes with a $29.99 Come-To-You flat-rate convenience fee but that has been waived due to the pandemic.
The average servicing time of a repair is one hour and appointments can be booked by phone or online.