Managing Cups Kids – Can’t we all get along?
Much has been written recently about the next generation of workers who are in the process of entering the IT department today (I have done my part!) However, what is missing is a basic understanding of what an IT Leader should do. once they are there.
Ron Alsop who writes for the Wall Street Journal has taken the time to learn what this coming means for us all and he wrote a book with the answer in it titled The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennium Generation Shakes the Workplace. He has some suggestions on how to manage this new type of IT worker.
One of the main differences between millennials and the workforce today will be seen in company loyalty – basically nothing will. Millennials have high expectations about what companies must provide (fast promotions, flexible work schedules, etc.), but companies must expect very little loyalty in return.…
Managing Cups Kids – Can’t we all get along? Read More