3 Solutions to Adopt New Technology Devoid of Throwing It Against The Wall
When my eldest daughter Ciara was younger she completely loved He-Man. 1 day I was out with her and my youngest daughter, Keelin, in Woolworth’s. I was performing some purchasing and I created the mistake of passing the Electronics section together with the girls. And just my luck, He-Man was blaring using 25 diverse sized TVs, and off ran my little Ciara. She promptly sat herself down in front of one of several televisions and asked the saleswoman to please turn up the volume.
There was my tiny 4-year-old, content as could be, watching her favorite television show inside a sea of TVs with all the sales ladies oohing and awing more than how cute she was.
And there was me, with only an hour to get my errands performed before I had to go back to function.
Oh how I wished for any video ipod before I even knew …
3 Solutions to Adopt New Technology Devoid of Throwing It Against The Wall Read More